EASLEY — Baptist Easley Hospital has stopped allowing visitors in the emergency department, with Prisma Health officials citing a surge in the omicron COVID-19 variant.
“Because of the steep rise in COVID-19 throughout the state and the high infection rates, patients coming to Prisma Health emergency departments will no longer be allowed to have visitors except under special circumstances,” hospital officials said in a released statement. “The change is effective Saturday, Jan. 8, at 7 a.m. This will apply to all Prisma Health hospital’s emergency departments.”
According to new hospital guidance, visitors and care partners will be asked to wait in their cars or offsite once a patient has been checked in. Updates will be provided by phone and follow guidelines for patient confidentiality, they said.
There are a few exceptions: Pediatric patients (under age 18) or when an adult arrives accompanied by a child; patients with care needs or who are unable to give consent, or when an adult patient arrives accompanied by an adult with care need; and end-of-life events.
All exceptions will be determined by the patient’s emergency department team, they said.
“This step is needed to protect patients, visitors and team members during this unprecedented omicron surge,” said Prisma Health officials.
Over in Pickens, as of Jan. 11, Cannon Memorial hospital, owned by AnMed Health, is still allowing visitors in their emergency department, but only under the following regulations: One visitor (must be 14 or older) allowed per patient, including end-of-life situations, labor and delivery, and for pediatric patients.
Additionally, the visitor must remain masked at all times and remain with the patient (no cafeteria, gift shop, etc.) People over age 65 and those with chronic illnesses who are not vaccinated should refrain from visiting, they said.
On occasion, visitors should remain with a patient with special needs. Secure approval of attending doctor and administrator for exceptions, they said.