Our voices and letters are not to be considered input. The words spoken and written by citizens are not merely suggestions. This is the majority speaking.

Your job, as our elected governing body, is to take action employed by desires of your voting community. We, the majority, demand that Ben Hagood Elementary remain in full operation. Do not stop a force that has been in progressive motion for decades. Please help refine it. We count on your pooled information, expertise and resources for leadership.

We must give our children strong platform to stand. They deserve a safe and stable place from which they may reach upward. This chance also offers routine and good routines produce excellent scholars. Don’t take away a familiar environment that many of these tender minds thrive in.

An elementary classroom with a vested and loving instructor is where the earliest seed for learning is planted. When nurtured in a positive and happy atmosphere, like Hagood, these seeds flourish into the future voice for Pickens and beyond.

Hagood has met and exceeded state requirements for standardized testing and has been awarded the Palmetto Silver and Gold Awards. Mrs. Amy Breazeale, Mrs. Anne LaBoon and Dr. Allison Aiken received Golden Apple Awards. Dr. Allison Aiken holds a doctorate in education and along with Breazeale is National Board Certified. Even with all of these shining accolades we’re being asked to plead the case to save our school which has clearly earned its established place.

There are over three hundred smiling face reasons for keeping our doors wide open and funds flowing. Draw up a working budget. Remember why you sought this position. You wanted to make a difference. You may not ignore the majority. Don’t disappoint our children by shutting down and splitting up their hard-earned place in Pickens. Let’s show our children how we, as a coalition, can powerfully ratify a new plan for Hagood.

Cynthia Thrift
